Sunday, March 21, 2010

The days

Been busy for the week, classes till 8p.m most of days.
Yesterday ,went off for bowling at Penang Bowling Centre with my friends after 4p.m class.
It was my first every bowling experience :))
my first game,I scored 42,the next game was 49. [not bad for my first attempt]

Andrew left Pg on Wednesday and everything seemed to be so indifferent to me.
Noone there to bug on me, disturbed,annoyed and made me happy at the same time.
All the best for this man,who flies around spontaneously.
I haven't been laughing like crazy for the whole week :((

Day 37
To change our lives,at some point we have to decide that, 
rather than suffer anymore,we are going to live in happiness.
And the only way we can do that is to make decision
to look from things to appreciate ,no matter what.
...And good things begin to appear.
And then more good things,and then more

I appreciate every second that I have ,every breath that I take in and release.
Everyday is a new day, new challenging and memorable .

Day 41
Einstein told us that time is just an illusion. 
When you understand and accept that there is no time,
you can see that whatever you want in the future already exists
..Radiate your desire in your mind, heart and body and see it as here now.

Day 48
There is no force of hate. Hate is simply the absence of love ,
just as darkness is the absence of light.
Poverty is the absence of abundance,
sickness is the absence of health,
and sadness is the absence of joy.
All negativity is simply the absence of something positive.

Day 49
"The aim of life is self-development.
To realize one's nature perfectly -That is what each of us is here for."
OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900)
The Picture of Dorian Guy.

"Even if the hopes you started out with are dashed,
hope has to be maintained."
 *Seamus Heaney

♥ . ♥


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